Thursday, April 29, 2010

The media today

It amazing what one hears when they stop talking, i mean really now. Take a real thought to what the media in this country has been doing for so many years. Offensive publication the perpetuate violence and a culture of intolerance. Its not just politics, its the overall look at things.

You know I truthfully believe that we as a country are being sold for short, and nowadays, we rather focus on the negative issues surrounding us. From my understanding, newspapers want to sell, and i don't mean just the add space but also their physical material and as long as we are a society that eats up all the propaganda that they spew on a daily basis, then they will keep on making their targets.

I would just like to hear your comments on this

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Challanges - What Did I Vote 4

You know i had been so vocal and supportive during the last elections, strongly vouching for the ruling party to remain in power. Don't get me wrong I am all for the ruling party, but what on earth was I thinking.

Let me explain, during the elections, when all these party leaders are canvassing for votes they make lts of promises, about change and service deliveries, access to information and blah blah blah blah... In reality none of that is ever achieved... Youth development my ass...

I have lobying for the local municipality to support GYFM for over 6 months and all i ever get is lip service...

The mayor went out to say politically correct statements to the community but as usual these people are all just about power and not delivery. The only youth delivery services they want to provided for us young black people is "workshops", but in reality we dont need workshops, but we need assistance and opportunities. We need a helping hand, instead of some promises.

A message to the Mayor, stop making promises and not delivering... "We need a Radio Station in Giyani".

Okay now i'm over my anger trip (let u focus)

As usual you will want to "help out" once we have achieved our goals without your assistance.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hi there, i'm pretty new to this blogging stuff, but if i'm correct, Blogging has taken the "C" out of craze and made became a complete Fad... 

Hi there. Well come to think of it, this blog has been pimaril dedicated to the youth of Mzansi (South Africa) and will addume the position of following the current trends and the significant impact that the have towards the upwardly mobile-go-getter attitude having young South African adult.

The focus will range from politics,  entertainment, sports, drugs, sex cars, you name it, I blog it blog

So much for the introduction, we will get right to the crux of things in the next post,